
CNA Talks: A National Security Podcast

CNA’s experts understand today’s complex and dynamic national security environment. On CNA Talks, you’ll find analysis of globe-shaping conflicts, foreign policy and shifting alliances, regional breakdowns, pandemics and other health crises, environmental disasters, homeland security concerns, and the future of strategic competition. Follow CNA Talks to go behind the headlines and learn from data-driven, objective, discussions on the factors shaping today’s national security landscape.
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CNA Talks: A National Security Podcast









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Dec 20, 2023

In the early days of the Ukraine war, the Russian army experienced a massive breakdown of its logistics operations. Frontline troops were going without basic supplies like food and fuel. What caused this breakdown, and has Russia been able to stabilize supply lines as the war progressed?

Paul Schwartz joins the show to discuss his report on Russian Military Logistics in the Ukraine War.


Paul Schwartz is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Russia Studies Program.

Further Reading

CNA: Russian Military Logistics in the Ukraine War


Dec 6, 2023

The Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Navy asked CNA for recommendations on how the Navy can better position itself for such competition, that is, below the threshold of armed conflict.

In this episode, three experts from across CNA join the show to discuss their specific recommendations and what the future fleet needs to look like to implement them. 

Guest Biographies

David M. Finkelstein is vice president and director of CNA's China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division. A retired U.S. Army officer, he held significant China-related positions at the Pentagon as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Gordon Jaquith is the vice president and director of CNA’s Systems, Tactics and Force Development Division. He formerly served as director of the Strategic, Defensive, and Science/Technology Division at the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Ann Parcell is the Director of CNA’s Navy Human Resources Program.

Further Reading

CNA: The Department of the Navy and Strategic Competition with the People’s Republic of China

Nov 8, 2023

Over the past decade, police departments across the United States have adopted body-worn cameras, and evidence suggests that they can help reduce complaints and use of force incidents.  This raises the question of whether they could serve a similar purpose in jails and prisons.

In this episode, John Stimpson sits down with Brittany Cunningham and Bryce Peterson to discuss their research into the impact of body-worn cameras at the Loudoun County adult detention center.

Guest biographies

Dr. Brittany Cunningham is the Assistant Director of CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation. She specializes in using evidence-based approaches and quantitative and qualitative analysis to support law enforcement agency operations and organizational reform.

Dr. Bryce Peterson is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation. His research focuses on body-worn cameras and other technologies, correctional safety and contraband, and other policies and programs that improve the efficacy of criminal justice operations.

Further Reading

CNA: Comparing the Uses and Benefits of Stationary Cameras Versus Body-Worn Cameras in a Local Jail Setting

Oct 25, 2023

The People's Republic of China is the most significant contributor to the global problem of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Its distant water fishing fleet is the largest in the world and operates everywhere, from the Pacific Island Countries to the Atlantic Coast of Africa.

In this episode, Heidi Holz and Cornell Overfield join John Stimpson to discuss how US Special Operations Forces can help counter the problem of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing by serving as a global connector for this issue.   

Guest Biographies

Heidi Holz is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s China Studies Program. She has researched PRC security issues, including PRC strategy and investments in the Arctic, illicit maritime activities by PRC actors, Chinese military doctrine and operations, and U.S.-China military-to-military relations.

Cornell Overfield is a specialist in the relationship between maritime law and foreign policy. At CNA, he has worked on projects covering Arctic security and economic activity, improved engagement with allies and partners, and data analytics.

Related Materials

CNA: Implications of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing for US Special Operations Forces 

CNA: Exposing the Gap Between PRC Rhetoric and Illicit Maritime Activity 

CNA Talks: The Scale of China’s Illegal Fishing


Oct 11, 2023

What do search engine optimization, airline schedules and standardized testing have in common? They are all vulnerable to Goodhart’s law, the idea that when a metric becomes a target, it ceases to be a good metric.  

In this episode, Michael Stumborg and Timothy Blasius join John to discuss their report, “Goodhart’s Law: Recognizing and Mitigating the Manipulation of Measures in Analysis.”


Michael Stumborg is a Principal Research Scientist with CNA’s ​Strike and Air Warfare Program.

Timothy Blasius is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Strike and Air Warfare Program.

CNA: Goodhart’s Law: Recognizing and Mitigating the Manipulation of Measures in Analysis

Army War College: Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession

Sep 27, 2023

On September 13, North Korean Leader Kim Jong met with Russian President Vladmir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russia’s most advanced space launch site. The meeting sparked concern in the West that Kim could supply Russia with weapons and munitions for its war in Ukraine and speculation about what North Korea would receive in return.

In this episode, Ken Gause and Paul Schwartz discuss the significance of the meeting and its implications for US policy makers.

Ken Gause is an expert on the North Korean leadership and political system. He has written several books on North Korea, focusing on its politics, military apparatus, and internal security system, including “North Korean House of Cards.”

Paul Schwartz is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Russia Studies Program.

 Further Reading

A War of Attrition: Assessing the Impact of Equipment Shortages on Russian Military Operations in Ukraine


Sep 13, 2023

Last month, the Navy and the Marine Corps held Large Scale Exercise 2023. The exercise integrates six Navy and Marine Corps component commands and seven numbered fleets across the globe. More than 10,000 Sailors and Marines across 22 time zones participated in the exercise. 48 CNA analysts supported this exercise, including 14 aboard ships in all 7 Numbered Fleets.

In this episode, Josh Tallis and Mallory Ladd, who deployed during the exercise, join the podcast to discuss their experience and how this on-site analysis is central to CNA’s approach to research.


Josh Tallis is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA's Fleet Plans and Requirements Program, with expertise in maritime security and Arctic, Euro-Atlantic, and NATO naval strategy.

Mallory Ladd is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Operational Training and Readiness Program. She specializes in joint all-domain training and readiness, Arctic science and maritime operations, and contested logistics.


Facebook Photo Album: Josh Tallis Deployment, USS Mount Whitney

Facebook Photo Album: Mallory Ladd Deployment, USS Carl Vinson

Instagram Photo Album: Josh Tallis Deployment, USS Mount Whitney

Instagram Photo Album: Mallory Ladd Deployment, USS Carl Vinson

CNA Field Program

Aug 30, 2023

CNA’s Phil E. DePoy Award recognizes analytic excellence, harmonious relations with colleagues and clients, and dedication to this organization. The ideal candidate produces consistently superb analysis, communicates effectively to expert and lay audiences alike, leads teams well, and influences the thinking and decisions of sponsors through their work.

In this episode, this year’s winner, Jerry Meyerle, joins the podcast to discuss his deployment to Afghanistan, his work's impact, and advise new CNA analysts.

Jerry Meyerle is a Principal Research Scientist with CNA’s Fleet Plans and Requirements Program and an expert in military operations, defense policy and posture, strategic planning, and combatant commands.

Aug 16, 2023

Companies, including Amazon, UPS, and Domino's are all investing in package delivery drones. These systems represent a significant paradigm shift from the current air traffic control model. With the private sector moving at the speed of innovation, the government will need new tools to regulate this new airspace.

In this episode, we discuss CNA’s new agent-based model, UAS Cooperative Airspace Traffic Simulation (UCATS), and how it can help the FAA and local stakeholders fairly regulate package delivery drone operations.

Guest Biographies 

Rebekah Yang is Systems Engineer with CNA’s Center for Data Management Analytics and the lead engineer on this model. She is an artificial intelligence and machine learning expert for the Federal Aviation Administration's Office of NextGen and a data visualization and modeling specialist.

Adam Monsalve is a Systems Engineer with CNA’s Center for Enterprise Systems Modernization. He is a cybersecurity expert specializing in the intersection of uncrewed technologies and cybersecurity for multiple federal government clients.

Mark Lesko is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Center for Enterprise Systems Modernization. He is an expert in FAA and traditional air traffic management, and supports the FAA Command Center in Warrenton, VA.

Further Reading

CNA: Agent-Based Modeling of Uncrewed Aircraft System Flight Planning for Airspace Fairness

CNA: Simulation Applications for Forecasting Effective Responses in Corrections (Safer-C™): A COVID-19 Disease Spread Model


Aug 2, 2023

In great power strategic competition, states deploy wedge strategies to divide, weaken, and prevent opposing alliances. In part two of a two-part series on the topic, host David Wallsh moderates a discussion on Russia's wedge strategies in the Global South and how the United States can address this challenge.

Dmitry Gorenburg is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Russia Studies program. He is an expert on security issues in the former Soviet Union, the Russian military, Russian foreign policy, and ethnic politics and identity. He is also an associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.

Angela Stent is Director of the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and Professor of Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is also a Senior Fellow (non-resident) at the Brookings Institution and co-chairs its Hewett Forum on Post-Soviet Affairs.

Further Reading

CNA Report: Countering Chinese and Russian Alliance Wedge Strategies


Jul 19, 2023

In great power strategic competition, states deploy wedge strategies to divide, weaken, and prevent opposing alliances. In part one of a two-part series on the topic, host David Wallsh moderates a discussion on Chinese wedge strategies in the Indo-Pacific and how the United States can address this challenge.


David Wallsh is a Senior Research Scientist in CNA’s Strategy, Policy, Plans, and Programs Division. Dr. Wallsh is an expert in alliance politics, Middle East security, and US security cooperation programs.

April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist in CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division. Dr. Herlevi is an expert on the People’s Republic of China's (PRC) foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and the increasing role of PRC commercial, economic, and military actors globally.

Twitter: @herlevi1

Andrew Taffer is a Research Fellow with the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs within the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU. Prior to arriving at INSS, Dr. Taffer was a Research Scientist in the China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs division at the Center for Naval Analyses. 

Toshi Yoshihara is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Dr. Yoshihara was previously the inaugural John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies and a Professor of Strategy at the U.S. Naval War College. 

Further Reading

CNA Report: Countering Chinese and Russian Alliance Wedge Strategies

CNA InDepth: The US Advances Its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia


Jul 5, 2023

On April 20, 2023, CNA’s National Security Seminar (NSS) series hosted a virtual panel discussion on the challenges, opportunities, and risks of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into nuclear operations. The event was centered on a recently released CNA report, Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations. 

Guest Biographies

Mallory Stewart, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, US Department of State​

Paul Scharre, Vice President and Director of Studies and military uses of AI Expert, CNAS

​Timothy P. McDonnell, Research Analyst and nuclear weapons policy expert, Strategy and Policy Analysis Program,

Larry Lewis, Principal Research Scientist and AI expert, Special Activities and Analysis Program, CNA​


Jun 21, 2023

High-end, long-range combat drones like the MQ-1 Predator can fly for thousands of miles and strike adversaries from far away. They are also extremely expensive—one MQ1 costs $20 million—and manufacturing takes time. 

Such drones are in short supply in Russia, creating a gap in Russian military capabilities. But Russia has adapted. This episode examines Russian use of cheap commercial and foreign-made drones in Ukraine—how this impacts dynamics on the ground and what this may reveal about the broader Russian war effort.   

Related Resources

Guest Biography

Samuel Bendett is an Advisor with CNA’s Russia Studies Program. His research focuses on Russian defense and technology developments; uncrewed, robotic, and autonomous military systems; artificial intelligence; and Russian military capabilities. His analysis of Russia’s war against Ukraine has appeared in globally-read news outlets such as VICE and The Washington Post.  

Further Reading

CNA Report: Russia’s Use of Uncrewed Systems in Ukraine

Jun 7, 2023

For decades, competition between the United States and Russia has defined strategic deterrence. But as China emerges as the greatest rival to the United States, it is worth examining how Beijing views the concept.

In this episode we examine how China’s military and civilian analysts are writing about strategic deterrence, and how new technologies and domains impact their perception.

Guest Biographies

Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs division. His research focuses on focuses on Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) organization and Indo-Pacific maritime and space security issues.

Timothy Ditter is a Research Scientist with CNA’s China Studies Program. His work covers PLA amphibious warfare, China’s military modernization and expansion, China’s growing nuclear weapons program, and China’s nascent global military presence.

Further Reading

CNA Report: PRC Writings on Strategic Deterrence

CNA Report: Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations


May 24, 2023

One of the defining features of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has been the inability of the much larger and more advanced Russian Aerospace Forces to establish air superiority in the conflict. This surprised analysts and prompted a widespread reconsideration of the services’ capabilities as well as the potential threat it poses to NATO countries.

In this episode CNA’s Julian Waller and RUSI’s Justin Bronk join John Stimpson, to examine Russian air operations during the Ukraine War and ask what lessons policy makers can learn from them.

Guest Biographies

Justin Bronk is the Senior Research Fellow for Airpower and Technology in the Military Sciences team at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), and the Editor of the RUSI Defence Systems online journal. His areas of expertise include the modern combat air environment, Russian and Chinese ground-based air defences and fast jet capabilities, the air war during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, unmanned combat aerial vehicles and novel weapons technology.

 Twitter: @Justin_Br0nk

Julian G. Waller is an associate Research analyst in CNA’s Russia Studies program. He is expert in the politics of authoritarian regimes in post-Soviet Eurasia and Europe, with a focus on Russian and Ukrainian domestic political institutions and their relation to political-military issues. At CNA, he has developed reports on Russian military strategy, political media analysis and domestic artificial intelligence developments.

Twitter: @JulianWaller

Further Reading

CNA Report - Russian Combat Air Strengths and Limitations: Lessons from Ukraine

May 10, 2023

Free and fair elections are an essential of the democratic process, but in recent years foreign inference and disinformation have shaken voters trust in the electoral system.

In this episode, guest host Sabrina Verleysen, sits down with CNA’s Dawn Thomas and former Elections Assistance Commissioner Matt Masterson. They discuss how jurisdictions can secure their elections, what resources are available to them and how to ensure their voters are confident in the results.


Matt Masterson served as Senior Cybersecurity Advisor at the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (known as CISA), where he focused on election security issues. He previously served as a Commissioner at the Election Assistance Commission from December 2014 until March 2018, including serving as the Commission’s Chairman in 2017-2018.

Dawn Thomas is a co-director of the Center for Emergency Management and Operations and director of the Center for Critical Incident Analysis. She is an expert in large-scale incident planning and response. She has worked on a large array of emergency preparedness issues including: biological attacks, active shooters, large-scale evacuations, medical evacuations, earthquakes and tsunamis, mass casualty chemical incidents, public health outbreaks and cyberattacks.

Sabrina Verleysen is an expert in government relations and Indonesian civilian-military relations. She collaborates regularly on business development lifecycle activities and executes strategic initiatives, events, and engagements. In addition, she supports projects funded by the Department of State that focus on civilian harm mitigation.

Further Reading

Learn more about election security preparations using workshops, drills, and tabletop exercises on

If you’d like to receive updates about upcoming election security seminars please email


Apr 26, 2023

Drones have become a ubiquitous part of our society, used by everyday people for fun or as part of their business. The potential of these tools seems limitless but one area that is less discussed is how they can be used by first responders and emergency managers to help keep the public safe.

In this episode Addam Jordan and Marina Rozenblat join John Stimpson. To discuss how jurisdiction can successfully implement drones into their public safety and emergency response plans.

Guest Biographies

Marina Chumakov Rozenblat is the Chief Scientist for CNA’s Center for Data Management and Analytics. She is an expert in data management, cybersecurity, uncrewed aircraft systems, and aviation applications of AI and machine learning.

Addam Jordan is the Chief Scientist for CNA’s Center for Enterprise Systems Modernization. He specializes in new entrants, uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.

Further Reading

Sign up for Marina’s workshop here.

CNA Spotlight: The Glorious Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Apr 12, 2023

For the past 3 months Israel has experienced the largest mass protest movement in its history. The demonstrators oppose judicial reforms which, if enacted, would give the government greater control over appointing Supreme Court judges and allow its parliament to overrule supreme court decisions.

In this episode, Samuel Plapinger returns to the podcast to discuss the protests, why they have been so effective and what this portends for Prime Minster Netanyahu’s administration.

Samuel Plapinger is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Special Activities and Intelligence program. He is an expert on strategic competition, irregular warfare, combat effectiveness, insurgency, terrorism, and Middle East security.

Episode Links

CNA InDepth: Israel’s New Government Is the Most Far-right in Its History

National Security Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations  

Mar 29, 2023

In this episode, Dmirtry Gorenburg and Steve Wills join John Stimpson. They discuss Finland and Sweden’s NATO accession and what it means for the alliance and for Russia.

Dmitry Gorenburg is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Russia Studies program. He is an expert on security issues in the former Soviet Union, the Russian military, Russian foreign policy, and ethnic politics and identity. He is also an associate at the Davis center for Russian and Eurasian studies at Harvard university.

Twitter: @russmil

Steve Wills is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Strategy and Policy Analysis Program. As a Navy historian, his research interests include the history of U.S. Navy strategy development over the Cold War and immediate post-Cold War eras, and the post-World War II Navy surface fleet. He is an also the Navalist at the Center for maritime strategy at Navy league US.

Twitter: @Lazarus_Navy

Mar 23, 2023

In this bonus episode of CNA Talks, we are bringing you the recording of CNA’s recent National Security Seminar, “Nuclear cooperation with strategic competitors,” which has held on March 21, 2023. The event featured panelists Timothy McDonnell and Rose Gottemoeller. McDonnell is the author of a recent CNA publication entitled, “Working with the Adversary: Great Power Cooperation and Nuclear Risk Management.” This report uses archival sources to examine three historical cases of great power nuclear cooperation, distilling lessons and insights for practitioners. During the event Dr. McDonnell shared his findings and then discussed them with Gottemoeller, a seasoned arms control practitioner, about its findings and implications. The event was moderated by CNA’s Mary Chesnut.

Rose Gottemoeller, Steven C. Házy Lecturer, Center for International Security and Cooperation, and Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; former Deputy Secretary General, NATO; former Under Secretary for Arms Control & International Security and chief US negotiator for the New START Treaty, US State Department

Timothy P. McDonnell, Research Analyst and nuclear weapons policy expert, Strategy and Policy Analysis Program, CNA. He is the author of the report, “Working with the Adversary: Great Power Cooperation and Nuclear Risk Management.”

Mary Chesnut, Research Analyst and nuclear weapons policy expert, Russia Studies Program, CNA

Further Reading

CNA- Working with the Adversary: Great Power Competetion and Nuclear Risk Management

Mar 15, 2023

The Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center, in Panama City Florida, trains more than 1,200 military divers from across the services. These students are persuing certificates in everything from underwater construction to explosive ordnance disposal.  

In this episode, Neil Carey joins John Stimpson to discuss his research on the potential of extended reality technology (which includes virtual reality, augmented reality and mix/merged reality) as a tool for the training and assessment of these divers.


Dr. Neil Carey is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Navy Human Resources Program. He is an expert in psychological measurement, cognitive psychology, and their applications to learning. 

CNA: The Promise and Pitfalls Of Extended Reality In Naval Training

Mar 1, 2023

In this episode, we examine a new regulation from the Department of Commerce aimed at limiting China’s access to semiconductors and microchips, the impact it is having on China and how U.S. partner nations are responding.


April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs program. She is an expert in China's foreign economic policy, special economic zones, and economic statecraft. 

Christopher Cairns is a Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs program. He is an expert in China's economic statecraft and technology acquisition efforts and U.S. ally and partner issues in the Indo-Pacific. 


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Feb 15, 2023

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has been the predominant foreign power in the Middle East, influencing the economic, political and security affairs of the region. But in recent years other great powers have begun to chip away at this power, carving out their own spheres of influence in the region.

In this episode, we explore the strategic objectives of China and Russia in the Middle East, the tools they are using to achieve them, and what this means for U.S. policymakers.


Michael Connell is an expert in Persian Gulf security-related issues, the armed forces of Iran, U.S.-GCC security cooperation, and adversary cyber policy and strategy.

Samuel Plapinger is an expert on strategic competition, irregular warfare, combat effectiveness, insurgency, terrorism, and Middle East security.


Report: China’s Presence in the Middle East and Western Indian Ocean

Podcast: Putin, Raisi and Their Common Enemy

Feb 1, 2023

This episode originally aired on CIMSEC's Sea Control Podcast. Special thanks to their team for allowing up to rebroadcast this episode. 

Dr. Joshua Tallis joins the program to discuss the evolution of NATO's maritime command and control and the future for the Standing Naval Force. Dr. Tallis is a naval analyst at the Center for Naval Analyses, where he is a senior research scientist in the Operations Evaluation Group. He has embedded as an analyst with Carrier Strike Group Eight and most recently with U.S. Sixth Fleet. This episode was edited and produced by Nathan Miller.



1. "NATO’s Maritime Vigilance: Optimizing the Standing Naval Force for the Future," by Dr. Joshua Tallis, War on the Rocks, December 15, 2022.

Jan 18, 2023

What do search engine optimization, airline schedules and standardized testing have in common? They are all vulnerable to Goodhart’s law, the idea that when a metric becomes a target it ceases to be a good metric.  

In this episode Michael Stumborg and Timothy Blasius join John to discuss their report, “Goodhart’s Law: Recognizing and Mitigating the Manipulation of Measures in Analysis.”


Michael Stumborg is a Principal Research Scientist with CNA’s ​Strike and Air Warfare Program.

Timothy Blasius is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s Strike and Air Warfare Program.

CNA: Goodhart’s Law: Recognizing and Mitigating the Manipulation of Measures in Analysis

Army War College: Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession

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